CBD strain or CBG strain?


Embarking on the journey of cannabis plant cultivation, especially with the rise of CBD and CBG strains, can be a bit overwhelming. These strains, officially registered in the European registry, are changing the game in hemp extraction.

Understanding the differences between CBD and CBG strains is key. CBD strains, like Enectaliana, pack a punch with cannabidiol, known for its non-psychoactive nature and therapeutic effects. On the flip side, CBG strains, like Enectarol, highlight cannabigerol, dubbed the "mother cannabinoid," with unique properties and promising health applications..


Main differences between a CBD and a CBG strain

One of the primary distinctions between CBD and CBG strains lies in their respective cannabinoid profiles.

While both strains belong to the hemp plants family, they exhibit varying concentrations of cannabinoids, with CBD dominant strains containing higher levels of cannabidiol and CBG strains emphasizing cannabigerol.

Cannabidiol CBD is renowned for its non-psychoactive nature and potential therapeutic effects, offering a sense of relaxation without the effects of THC.

On the other hand, cannabigerol CBG, often referred to as the "mother cannabinoid," boasts unique properties, being the precursor to other cannabinoids and demonstrating promising applications in addressing various health concerns.

Understanding these cannabinoid-specific traits is key to maximizing the benefits each strain has to offer in hemp extraction endeavors.

In addition to divergent cannabinoid profiles, CBD and CBG strains also differ in their targeted therapeutic effects. CBD products has gained widespread popularity for its potential in managing anxiety, stress, and various forms of chronic pain.

Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a sought-after choice for those seeking relief from conditions like arthritis or migraines.

CBG, on the other hand, is gaining attention for its neuroprotective qualities and potential in addressing conditions related to the nervous system, such as neurodegenerative diseases.

Furthermore, the cultivation and harvesting processes for CBD and CBG strains may require specific considerations. CBD-dominant plants are typically harvested later in their growth cycle to maximize CBD content, while CBG strains may be harvested earlier to capture higher concentrations of cannabigerol before it converts into other cannabinoids like THC or CBD. This variance in cultivation practices underscores the importance of tailoring growing techniques to the specific genetic traits of each strain.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of hemp genetics, choosing between a CBD and CBG strain involves weighing these factors against specific extraction goals and the desired end products.

If you are a hemp enthusiast exploring new horizons or a seasoned cultivator adapting to advancements in the field, staying informed about the distinctive characteristics of CBD and CBG strains will undoubtedly shape the success of your endeavors in the exciting realm of hemp cultivation and extraction.


Differences between Enectarol and Enectaliana

Let's delve further into the remarkable characteristics of "Enectaliana." Beyond its impressive financial yield of €21,000 per hectare, this variety offers cultivators the opportunity to immerse themselves in a cultivation experience tailored for optimal CBD extraction.

The cannabinoid content in the dry biomass, ranging between 5 and 6%, positions "Enectaliana" as a prime choice for high levels CBD strain.

Imagine the satisfaction of cultivating a plant that not only ensures a substantial CBD yield but also meticulously adheres to stringent THC limits, consistently remaining below 0.2%.

Now, shifting our focus to "Enectarol," it stands as a distinctive treasure for enthusiasts intrigued by the potential of CBG.

With a commendable gross gain of €20,000 per hectare, this variety emerges as an outstanding alternative in the hemp cultivation landscape.

Its CBG content within the dry biomass, varying from 4 to 6%, ensures a production of exceptionally high quality. CBG, known for its unique attributes, brings forth potential benefits such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties. Just like its CBD counterpart, "Enectarol" strictly adheres to THC limits, consistently maintaining them below 0.1%.


Benefits of CBD

CBD has garnered attention for its potential in alleviating anxiety, reducing inflammation, and managing pain. The versatility of CBD extends beyond the therapeutic realm, with applications in cosmetics, wellness products, and even pharmaceuticals. As a non-psychoactive compound, CBD has become a focal point of research and development for those exploring the vast possibilities of hemp-derived products.

CBD is renowned for its therapeutic potential without inducing the psychoactive effects associated with THC. In the dry biomass, "Enectaliana" boasts an impressive CBD content ranging between 5 and 6%. This places it in a prime position for cultivators and industries seeking high concentrations of CBD for various applications.


Benefits of CBG

Research suggests that CBG may possess antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties, differentiating it from other cannabinoids. The distinct characteristics of CBG open avenues for innovation, particularly in industries exploring novel applications and formulations.

CBG, like CBD, is non-psychoactive, making it an appealing option for those seeking the therapeutic effects of cannabinoids without the associated high.

CBG is gaining prominence for its unique properties and potential health benefits. In the dry biomass, "Enectarol" presents a CBG content ranging from 4 to 6%, positioning itself as an excellent choice for cultivators venturing into the extraction of this lesser-known cannabinoid.


Choosing between Enectaliana and Enectarol

As cultivators navigate the decision-making process, strategic considerations come to the forefront. "Enectaliana" beckons those aiming to tap into the established market for CBD-derived products, offering a pathway to economic success and a well-researched cannabinoid profile.

Meanwhile, "Enectarol" invites cultivators to be pioneers, embracing the potential of CBG and contributing to the dynamic landscape of cannabinoid exploration. The strategic choice between these varieties extends beyond financial gains, providing an opportunity to shape the trajectory of hemp cultivation within the broader context of cannabinoid research and product development.

Choosing between Enectaliana and Enectarol requires a thoughtful consideration of extraction goals and desired end products. Enectaliana caters to the established market for CBD products, promising economic success and a well-researched cannabinoid profile.

Enectarol beckons cultivators to be pioneers, exploring the potential of CBG and contributing to the dynamic landscape of cannabinoid exploration.

In conclusion, Enectaliana and Enectarol open doors to unique possibilities within the hemp industry.

Whether it's the allure of high CBD concentrations with Enectaliana or the fascination with the potential of CBG-rich Enectarol, cultivators find themselves at a crossroads with exciting opportunities to shape their journey based on market trends and individual goals.

Compare Enectaliana with other eu strains

Biomass production -> Enectaliana Industrial Hemp – CBD
Gross gain per hectare (ha) 21,000 € 2,000 €
CBD content of dry biomass 5 – 6% 2 – 3%
THC content <0.2% <0.2%
Average dry biomass yield per ha (by using 7,000 – 10,000 seeds per ha) -> 2,500 – 3,000 kg extractable CBD*: 68.75 kg *extraction percentage: 50%; CBD concentration: 5%; average biomass: 2.75 t 800 – 1.000 kg extractable CBD*: 9 kg *extraction percentage: 50%; CBD concentration: 2%; average biomass: 0.9 t

Compare Enectarol with other eu strains

Biomass Enectarol Industrial Hemp – CBG
Gross gain per ha 20,000 € 2,000 €
CBG content of dry biomass 4 – 6% 1 – 2%
THC content < <0.1% < <0.1%
Average dry biomass yield per ha (by using 7,000 – 10,000 seeds per ha) 2.000 - 2.500 kg CBG to extract*: 45 kg *extraction percentage: 50%; CBG concentration: 5%; average biomass: 2.25 t 600 – 800 kg CBG to extract*: 7 kg *extraction percentage: 50%; CBG concentration: 2%; average biomass: 0.7 t

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