We made it to the EU Common Catalogue!
After years of trials, our flagship hemp variety, Enectarol, has finally been awarded the Blue Label.
We can finally sell our certified seeds all across the EU, safely and legally.
Most importantly, certifying a seed variety has several benefits that all hemp growers should consider.
Let’s delve into that.
The EU Common Catalogue: how is it important for hemp farmers?
Our top seed variety, Enectarol, has finally made it into the EU Common Catalogue, the list of plant varieties that can be marketed in EU countries.
It’s been a long, long journey. The certification came after many tests, both in the field and in the laboratory, but today we can finally say that Enectarol, our high CBG content variety, can be safely and legally marketed in the EU, and its high quality is certified and granted by regulators.
What does this mean and why is it crucial for Enecta?
Obtaining the Blue Label is the landmark of any hemp grower, as it allows standardisation of hemp seeds and to freely sell them in the EU regulated market, with no legal concerns.
On top of that, being listed in the EU common catalogue allows growers to apply for CAP (Community Agricultural Policy) funding.
First things first, how did it all start?
The road to certified hemp seeds
To get the Blue Label for our hemp seeds, we first listed them on the NAK, the Dutch Inspection Service for agricultural seeds. Thanks to that, Enectarol obtained the Orange Label, the Dutch certificate of quality for seeds.
That was our first major step, as the Orange Label allowed us to legally grow and market our industrial hemp in the EU.
However, that wasn’t enough, we wanted to achieve more, we wanted our Enectarol to be listed on the EU Common Catalogue.
The follow-up was a number of on-field trials, testing the growth of our hemp variety. That is the only way to assess the unique features that make your hemp variety deserve a spot on the EU Common Catalogue.
You want your seed variety to be:
- different from all those varieties that already are in the catalogue
- stable, which means that even after various generations your hemp will maintain the same high quality, and the same thc content of course.
- coherent, that is, its phenotypic features need to stay put.
Why bother to list a hemp variety on the EU common catalogue?
Is it worth it?
Short answer: totally.
Long answer: the benefits far outweigh the costs. The path towards the blue label requires you to keep your variety stable, thus making its derivatives products as stable and standardised.
Secondly, certified hemp seeds grant that the variety you are selling maintains its unique features.
Take Enectarol, our flagship variety. Its main feature is a high Cannabigerol yield, thc levels below 0.2%, and velvety terp profile to complete the picture.
Having been awarded the blue label, all Enectarol seeds are granted to keep their phenotypic features and terpenic profile coherent and stable throughout generations.
Which means that its defining high cannabigerol production is not going to be altered or hindered.
Third and foremost for European hemp growers, certified hemp seeds allow you to apply for CAP funding and other EU funding programs. No seed certification = no funding. Also, no safety, whereas blue label hemp seeds can be sold and grown with no legal concern in the EU.
Building up the right hemp variety to get into the EU Common Catalogue
I.e. what makes Enectarol special:
If you want to list a hemp variety in the catalogue, it needs to differ from the others in the list. At the same time, it needs to offer something that also has a market value.
That’s exactly what we did with Enectarol.
We designed the whole supply chain, from seed to biomass, or even extract, for high-quality products.
The path towards the blue label spurred us to make Enectarol a highly effective strain, thanks to:
- high percentage of CBG, from 4 to 6%
- fruity and rich terp profile
- thc level below EU requested limit (0.2%)
The effort to make your hemp variety as stable as possible from a genetic standpoint, will pay off.
The cannabinoid percentage will be consistent and so will be the other phenotypical features that make a specific hemp variety desirable in the market.
Top that with the EU green turn in the last years, which means more funding and research for sustainable materials (like industrial hemp).
This is why certifying hemp seeds is more important than ever.
Hemp is proving to be a green swiss knife, and the opportunities in the field are growing at a staggering rate.
We got the blue label for Enectarol, and we couldn’t be prouder.
Because we know that our hard work is going to pay off. Cannabigerol is going to be the next big cannabinoid sensation in the hemp market.
Also, we now know that our seeds can travel and find a new home across Europe and, who knows, maybe in one of our field trips across the continent, we’ll smell the fruity scent of our Enectarol.