Corporate Responsability

Highest CBD yield in Europe

  • Best-price-cbd-wholesale

    Right to Health

    Guaranteeing the Right to Health and Well-being for all.


  • Economic Social Development

    Economic Social Development

    Promoting Socio-economic development of disadvantaged areas


  • Environmental Protection

    Environmental Protection

    Protect the environment, and promote the circular economy



An inclusive model for cannabis

Enecta promotes an INCLUSIVE model of cannabis production, focused on extensive outdoor cultivation. This model, if accompanied by research and development of technologically innovative solutions in the areas of cultivation, processing and recovery of waste material, guarantees: 

  • High quality products at limited costs accessible to all people
  • Development opportunities for the most deprived inland rural/remote areas
  • Economic and business opportunities for individuals/groups with limited and/or particularly disadvantaged capital
  • Zero/positive environmental impact

Creation of eco-sustainable production chains (e.g. bio-plastics) with waste material.

Promoting Sustainable Development Goals

The Enecta model programme is inspired by (and seeks to contribute to) the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, and the principles of the UN Global Compact for Corporate Social Responsibility. In particular the Objectives related to health, education, reduction of inequalities, including gender inequalities, economic growth and quality work, environmental protection and combating climate change, responsible consumption and production.

CSR principles

Enecta adopts (and asks partners to adopt) the principles of corporate social responsibility of the UN Global Compact.

” The factory can't just look at the profit index. It must distribute wealth, culture, services, democracy. I think the factory for the man, not the man for the factory... 

A. Olivetti

Human Rights

We promote and respect universally recognised human rights within our respective spheres of influence; and we make sure that we are not complicit, albeit indirectly, in human rights abuses.


We support the freedom of association of workers and recognise the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; the effective elimination of child labour; the elimination of all forms of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.


We support a preventive approach to environmental challenges; take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

Fight against Corruption

We are committed to combating corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Sekou comes from Mali and is an asylum seeker on humanitarian grounds:

"My experience is very positive, we always work as a team and this has given me the opportunity to learn the language well. I work mainly in the field, for the cultivation of hemp, it's a job I like but there are still many things I want to learn. But I am happy now, because there is no war here. Here in Abruzzo I have found my dimension but above all a job".

Since 2018, together with Green Valley, strategic partner for crops, we have activated a project of integration at work in the province of L'Aquila. We have involved several young people, political refugees and asylum seekers, thanks to the collaboration with the reception centre in Sulmona.

In recent years we have welcomed a large number of Asylum Seekers - says Giorgia Mazzotta, one of the heads of the Sulmona reception centre - and we have experienced the problems of those who travel, with immense risk, in search of a different life path: we have listened and tried to help survivors of shipwrecks, violence in Libyan prisons, exploitation and trafficking of human beings, malnutrition. We have tried, and we still try, to work with respect towards everyone, even the territory, without clamour and publicity, but with the ultimate goal of dignity'.


If you have projects, ideas, want to share experiences, or give us suggestions on how to improve our impact on patients, communities, and the environment, contact us!