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"Cc" Line - CBD Crystals

Enecta CBD crystals: an extract of pureness

Enecta’s pure CBD crystals, gained from the hemp plant through natural extraction of the active principle, are the purest kind of form to intake the cannabidiol or CBD.

Molded with 99% of CBD and the remaining 1% of terpenes, Enecta’s crystals can be dosed with the functional teaspoon supplied, which allows to choose the quantity of active principle without any waste.

Due to its level of purity, starting from 50 mg of product you’ll begin to feel the first benefits.

Our CBD crystals can be taken through a herb vaporizer able to control high temperatures, through the sublingual intake, or used with our favorite dishes.

All our products respect strict standard qualities and come exclusively from Italian organically grown plants, without the use of pesticides.

I nostri prodotti sono certificati:
(oltre a seguire le linee guida GACP, che garantiscono una materia prima sicura)

Enecta CBD crystals: why buy them?

  • A product for real purists: 99% of high CBD quality, made in Italy from organically grown raw material

  • With a practical measuring spoon, for a more precise consume

  • Phytocannabinoids presence and heavy metal absence laboratory tested

  • More environmentally friendly, thanks to its packaging made of 30% Post Consumer fibers and 70% pure ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free) virgin cellulose, that derive from responsibly managed sources.

Ingredients and size

Cc500: 0,5 gm package of pure CBD made of 99% pure CBD and 1% natural terpenes. It is a gluten-free product, without allergens and chemical preservatives.

In addition to the convenient 0.5 gm size, the CBD crystals can also be bought in the 1 gm size.


CBD percentage




Intake method

Inhalation, oral, local application


Fresh, dark, and dry site

Length of preservation

6 months after opening

The CBD’s crystals advantages

The effectiveness of the cannabidiol is now established in many areas, as the scientific community widens and masters day by day the literature and the studies on this component. Its anxiolytic and anti-inflammatory properties make the product an efficient natural remedy to mitigate a stressful situation, or prevent common and spread issues like migraines and other neuropathic pains.

There are also examples of people with prior medical consultation and own doctor’s consent are using the CBD in cases of major diseases such as epilepsy or Parkinson’s disease. Therefore situations that are really different from each other, so the versatility and availability of the CBD are an important aspect.

CBD crystal: how to use

The CBD crystals can be used in different ways. It is a crystalline powder that can be white or slightly yellow, it resembles white sugar or brown sugar both for the color and the consistency. Like the sugar it can be ingested, however, it is not the only way to use it.

Here are three simple and efficient ways to intake pure CBD:

  • Through inhalation, using a vaporizer: is amongst the best ways of use. Using a herb vaporizer allows you to avoid combustion, which as well as damaging our health, burns, and wastes more than 80% of the active principle of any type of cannabinoid we decide to use. Furthermore, vaporization allows to adjust the temperature and magnifies, and strengthens the properties of the cannabidiol (CBD), and generally, all the other cannabinoids where present.

What properties the vaporizer must-have?

1) It must have the possibility of setting up a specific temperature, between 160 C˚ and 180 C˚.

2) It must be suitable to containing also liquids: the crystals, once they reach the temperature between 160/180 C˚, melt, such as the sugar crystals at high temperature, forming an oily liquid.

  • At the table: The CBD crystals can be added to coffee, tea, but also to cake, pizza, or cookies mixtures or even as a seasoning together with salt and pepper. The taste of our dishes won’t be altered in any way, but in return, during the digestion, we will benefit from the pleasant effects of the active principle, just like in the case of the CBD oil

  • Orally, sublingual intake: is the easiest and most direct way to intake the CBD crystals, they can be drawn with the measuring teaspoon and placed directly under the tongue. It will be necessary to wait about a minute to let the crystals completely melt. Alternatively, it is possible to melt them with a little water. The neutral taste of the crystals will make it easier to intake and it is within everyone’s reach. Besides, once it will reach contact with the tongue, the CBD will circulate in our system almost immediately, with a very rapid action timeframe.

  • Local application, by adding it as an ingredient to creams or ointments. The hemp plant has been used, for quite some time now, in the cosmetics field with amazing results:
    There are a lot of cannabidiol based products and they can be:

    - creams
    - conditioners
    - aftersun creams

    The CBD is not the main ingredient in many of these cases, but it is simply aimed to integrate the spectrum of components of the cosmetic product. The proven anti-inflammatory properties of the cannabidiol (CBD), act directly on the endocannabinoid system and more specifically on the CB1 and CB2 receptors, to mitigate the skin’s inflammation and at the same time act beneficially on our skin.

For which skin condition is it possible to use the CBD’s crystal?

One of the most common conditions for which CBD is used is psoriasis.

Psoriasis is nothing else but a skin inflammation that leads to typical damages that characterize the disease, presenting itself under different forms.

In cases such as this one, the use that we can make of the crystal is to mix it with a cream that will be locally applied to the affected area.


Properties and effects of the CBD crystal

Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the numerous phytocannabinoids that can be found in the hemp plant, and one of those with major potentials. It has been the subject of studies by the scientific community for several years and day by day its beneficial effects have been validated on more and more conditions. It is a cannabinoid that, unlike the THC, it has no psychoactive effects, rather it has soothing and relaxing properties, and it can be extremely effective in the treatment of disorders and pathologies.

Its interaction with our endocannabinoid system and particularly with a receptor called cb1 makes it possible for a CBD product to reveal itself useful in regulating some physiological processes that are fundamental for our organism. Scientific research has revealed that the cannabidiol can be a valid and precious natural substitute to some synthetic and invasive medications and prove itself to be useful to oppose and soothe different symptoms and issues, including:

  • Chronic pain, migraine, and menstrual pain
  • Muscular tension
  • Anxiety, mood swings, panic attack, and stress
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Insomnia 
  • Withdrawal symptoms from other substances

The crystals give us the precious possibility of using pure CBD, at the maximum of its active principle, without adding any other substance for a more intense effect.

How much CBD should I use?

It is important to specify that this CBD product has no collateral effects, however, it is advisable to always personalize the dosage of a phytocannabinoid. Exactly like other substances, it is important to gradually start to test the effects on your body and understand how it acts.
A good starting daily dosage can be 50 mg. It is desirable to use the practical measuring spoon and start with a dose of 25 mg.

Enecta crystals: a quality assurance

Our company is specialized in the development of cannabinoid-based products. Our extraction process is made according to the European Pharmacology act. Enecta chooses to extract its product exclusively from Italian grown plants that respect the quality standards but at the same time protect the environment and the product. 

Each hemp plant that we use during the extraction process, comes from cultivations that don’t use pesticides, heavy metals, or chemical additives. It is an agriculture that follows the GACP guidelines and that follows the rule imposed by law, according to the n. 242/2016 “Disposition to promote the cultivation and the agro-industrial hemp chain”.

So Enecta reaches and ensures high standard quality in maximum safety.


Free shipping starting from 29,90 euros. Delivery within 48/72 hours

Once you completed the purchase you will be sent an e-mail that will confirm the successful transaction. Afterward, a second e-mail will be sent to you informing you about the successful delivery to the carrier, along with its tracking number, so you can update your delivery process in “real-time”.

We would like to remind you, however, that our customer service is available from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.

Satisfy or refund warranty

Thanks to the “satisfy or refund” warranty you have up to 30 days to return free of charge the product that doesn’t satisfy you.

Want to know more about the crystals and how to use them in your well-being daily routine?

Click on the banner to download our complete guide!

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